Join the Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee for a Review of TWO NEW Proposed Student Fees Come hear Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and Residence Hall Association (RHA) proposals to establish new, separate student fees in support of their organizations this Friday in the Student Union, Room 331. More info
Helping supervisors address the issues they face every day… The Human Resources department is offering Supervisor Essentials: a professional development program for front-line to mid level supervisors. The program begins in April and is free to you and your department. Register online at
All employees are required to complete the Annual Compliance Training by May 13.Register for an in-person training program. Faculty and staff are required to complete the annual compliance training. Staff members with grant responsibility should attend the faculty training. Online training is now available.
Attend the premiere performance of Arcana, Concerto for Cello and Orchestra by J. Mark Scearce winner of Sackler Prize in Composition. The University Symphony Orchestra. This Thursday at 8 p.m. von der Mehden Recital Hall more info
Faculty, do you have an undergraduate student conducting research, scholarship, or independent creative activity? Encourage them to apply to showcase their work at the 14th Annual Frontiers in Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition on April 15 and 16, 2011. All undergraduate researchers are encouraged to apply! Deadline extended to March 20.More info
The Faculty and Staff Resource Guide offers a wide variety of information and links about the operations, policies, procedures, and services of the University. It’s a quick online reference to all-things UConn. More info at
Find consumer information about UConn, including links to financial assistance information and health and safety programs at