The University of Connecticut was founded in 1881 as the Storrs Agricultural School with a gift of farm land and funds from Charles and Augustus Storrs. Today’s donors help UConn maintain and increase its advantage as the top public research university in New England.
- In fiscal year 2010, private fundraising totaled $45.5 million: $28.2 million for Storrs and the regional campuses, $7.7 million for the Health Center, and $9.6 million for Athletics.
- Annual giving, including the Fund for UConn, raised $5.9 million in direct support for critical needs such as scholarships, research grants, study abroad and internships, cultural activities and clubs, First- and Senior-Year Experience programs, and state-of-the-art-facilities.
- UConn’s alumni participation rate perennially ranks among the best in the nation; last year, our alumni contributed $16.1 million. Additional commitments included $13 million from parents and other individuals, $7.7 million from corporations, and $8.5 million from private foundations.
- The University provided $7.9 million for scholarships, fellowships, and awards through the UConn Foundation – as a result, nearly 1,700 students had their needs wholly or partially met through private support.
- Currently, 84 faculty chairs and professorships at the University are funded through private endowment – many of these positions have allowed UConn to recruit and retain world-class scholars and researchers.
- At the close of fiscal year 2010, the University’s endowment was valued at approximately $263 million. A strong and growing endowment helps sustain excellence by providing resources beyond tuition and state budget support for academic, research, and outreach programs.
- A newly formed Student Philanthropy Committee is successfully engaging and educating today’s students about the impact of private support at UConn. As a result, current-year giving by students is at an all-time high, and we are building a culture of philanthropy that will sustain the University of Connecticut in the future.
The University of Connecticut is in the midst of a capital campaign to raise $600 million and increase the resources available for students and faculty. Known as Our University. Our Moment. The Campaign for UConn, it is the largest campaign in UConn’s history and seeks to shape our future as a global leader in the 21st century.
2011 Fact Sheet
Basic information about the University of Connecticut
UConn's impact on Connecticut's economy
The University's founding and early years