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For 12 years running, UConn has been rated by U.S. News & World Report as the #1 public university in New England – and ranks among the top 30 public universities in the nation.

The state’s flagship institution of higher education, UConn is the only public university in New England with its own Schools of Law, Social Work, Medicine, and Dental Medicine.

14 Schools and Colleges

7 undergraduate degrees: 99 majors

17 graduate degrees: 86 research and professional practice fields of study

5 professional degree programs (J.D., LL.M., M.D., D.M.D., Pharm.D.)

Degrees 2009-10: 7,046

DegreeTotal enrollment
Bachelor's 4,606
Master's 1,438
Doctorates 309
Law (J.D., LL.M) 249
Pharm.D. 100
Medicine 75
Dental Medicine 40
Graduate / Professional Certificates 134
6-Year Education 69
2-Year Agriculture 26
2011 Fact Sheet

Basic information about the University of Connecticut

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UConn's impact on Connecticut's economy

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The University's founding and early years

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