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A Great Education Begins with Great Teachers

Teachers for a New Era is an initiative designed to improve teacher quality by reforming outstanding teacher preparation programs. Teachers for a New Era is organized by three design principles. First, programs will emphasize to preservice teachers the importance of demonstrating student achievement through evidence. Second, the initiative will fully integrate faculty from the liberal arts and sciences, enriching future teachers' general and subject matter knowledge. Lastly, support will be extended to beginning teachers from their individual colleges and universities.

Click here to listen to the welcome messages by members of the TNE leadership committee.

TNE at UConn Spring 2010 Bulletin (.pdf)
See previous TNE Bulletins here

The website for the Additional Degree for Teacher Education Students is now available!
click here and find "Additional Degree" in the left navigation bar for an overview and documents and forms.

New Children's Literature Podcasts available!
-click here


Initially designed and developed by Andri Ioannou
Maintained by Gregory Mullin

Teachers for a New Era
249 Glenbrook Road,
Unit 2064
Phone: (860) 486-1407
Fax: (860) 486-1367