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Read About Neag News and Events in the Jan. 2012 Edition of Spotlight

Neag School Hosts Media Literacy Conference March 16

It's Not the Time Spent in School, It's How It's Used

Invest in Positive School Culture to Prevent Bullying Behavior

Video: Learn how the Neag School is making a real and lasting impact.

You're Invited to Neag Alumni Society Awards Dinner

Dr. Jason Irizarry Publishes Book on "The Latinization of U.S. Schools"

Vision for New Neag Math Academy: Content Plus Pedagogy = Leadership

Going Beyond Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

Asst. Coach Kevin Ollie Speaks at Husky Sport Event

Neag Hosts Professional Development Day for TCPCG Noyce Scholars

Neag School Hosts the 1st Annual CBER Student Research Symposium

UConn Sport Business Association Hosts Hartford Whalers Founder Jan. 26

Doctoral Program in Kinesiology Ranked No. 1

On the Fast Track to Teaching Math and Science

Neag Professor Jason Irizarry's research on the Latino educational achievement gap featured in the Hartford Courant

Check out Dr. DeFranco's Summer Letter That Reviews the Academic Year

Neag Alumni Hosts Society Awards Dinner

Neag School of Education Graduate Reception

Prof Doug Casa and the Korey Stringer Institute featured in USA Today article on heatstroke awareness in NFL training camps

Check out the August 2010 edition of Spotlight, featuring articles on Commencement, Honors Celebration, and the Alumni Awards

People's United Community Foundation Awards $40,000 For CommPact Schools Initiative

Neag School of Education Undergraduate Commencement

Spring edition of UConn Magazine features Neag alums discussing issues in educational leadership

HuskySport Program a Hit in Hartford

Neag Professor George Sugai is quoted in a Hartford Courant article about President Obama's education budget.

The American Association of School Administrators presented Neag alumnus Bud Spillane with one of its Distinguished Service Awards.

The success of our CommPACT School Reform Model is the highlight of a WFSB TV news story.

The Neag School's new online newsletter makes its debut. Check out the latest news and feature stories about our faculty, students and alumni!

The Neag School welcomes its newest research center, the Korey Stringer Institute, focused on preventing heat stroke and sudden death in sport.

Neag School Hosts Media Literacy Conference March 25

Nominations Sought for Neag School of Education Alumni Society Awards

Neag School Hosts Media Literacy Conference March 25

Hartford Superintendent to Speak to UConn Students on April 13

Neag School Hosts Speaker on

#1 Doctoral Kinesiology Program

Neag School's Ranking Jumps to #21

School Psych Professor Thomas Kehle selected for Research Excellence Award.

Prestigious National Reading Conference award goes to Neag professor!

Worthingham Fellow bestowed upon Physical Therapy's interim dept. head.

TNE-UConn Director receives two honors!

Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment Center offers grad student training.

Dr. Swaminathan honored by the American Psychological Association.

Ed Leadership faculty help design master's program for enhancing physicians' teaching skills.

Film is an important classroom tool, says education professor.

Dean Schwab tapped to head group of leading research institution deans.

"Exceptional" Dissertation Award for Special Ed faculty member.

Unusual collaboration results in new Connecticut Urban Education Initiative.

Special Education faculty member to receive two honors from Conn. Chapter of the AAUP.

Educational policy professor is one of two in the nation selected for fellowship in measurement.

"New Literacies" guru is elected to world's largest reading organization.

RECESS RENOVATION: Neag Teacher Ed Juniors renovate Hartford's Batchelder School playground and raise funds to buy new recess equipment.

The Hartford Courant, 7/24/07 - State lawmakers pass bill supporting the Neag School's role in Urban Initiative designed to aid struggling schools.

Baltimore Sun, 7/25/07 - Professor George Sugai, Neag Chair in Special Education, is quoted in an article about a national program he helped develop, Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports.

Hydration Hints from field's top expert Kinesiology Prof. Doug Casa as high school football training gets underway in heat, humidity.

Former UConn Basketball Star Emeka Okafor selects the Neag School's HUSKY SPORT outreach program for his first domestic charitable gift.

Former UConn Basketball Star Emeka Okafor selects the Neag School's HUSKY SPORT program for his first domestic charitable gift!

Neag professors Sally Reis and Joe Renzulli are interviewed on WFSB TV about Renzulli Learning, their educational software program.

Graduate of Neag School Social Studies teacher education program wins the National Educator prize from the Milken Family Foundation

Stanford study cites Administrator Prep Program (UCAPP) as exemplary.

Lifetime of travel inspires gift to Neag School.

Center for Research in Mathematics Education is established.

Center tackles behavioral issues in schools.

CBER - Center for Behavioral Education and Research tackles behavior issues in schools.

Doctor of Physical Therapy program now offered through the Neag School.

Student cheating is the focus of research conducted by Educational Psychologist Jason Stephens.

Husky Sport is selected for the Provost's Award for Excellence in Outreach and Public Engagement.

Neag Professor Don Leu and his New Literacies research team is featured in the

The Neag Center for Education Policy & Analysis and its director, Casey Cobb, are featured in the

Professor Eliana Rojas awarded $1.5 M grant to help math teachers of English Language Learners become more proficient at providing effective instruction.

Professor George Sugai and the Center for Behavioral Education & Research are featured in the Advance.

New study by Kinesiology Professor Jeff Volek finds further evidence that a low-fat diet lowers dangerous factors linked to Metabolic Syndrome.

Curriculum & Instruction Department offers course to improve TAs' teaching skills.

Neag School cosponsors Conference on College Readiness and Success held in June 2007.

Annual Mass Media Conference focuses on media stereotyping of girls and fostering violence in men.

Neag School Psychologists study methods for helping children with asthma.

Civic involvement and spirituality are essential to becoming a top shelf teacher says Neag Professor Xae Reyes.

Doctoral student in Educational Administration program is recipient of 2007 Women of Color Award.

Prof. Sally Reis is interviewed by the Baltimore Sun about what happens when needs of gifted students aren't met.

Five Neag School nominees selected for the University's 2nd Annual Diversity Awards.

Neag alum Dr. Robert Villanova is Connecticut's 2008 Superintendent of the Year.

Neag School ranks among best graduate schools in the U.S.!

AAUP - UConn Chapter presents Associate Dean Thomas DeFranco with its 2008 Excellence Award for Teaching Innovation.

Interested in photographs from the Neag Sunday Commencement Ceremony? Click here.

May Commencement Photo Information for Neag School graduates.

Physical Therapy at Nayden Rehab Clinic plays vital role in UConn Prof's recovery.

Neag School's George Sugai is part of new federal technical assistance center to expand evidence-based practice in K-12 schools.

Kinesiology's William Kraemer is interviewed by the NY Times for an article on the many benefits of exercising with weights -- especially for women.

Dept. of Ed Leadership professor Richard Lemons develops leadership program for school administrators in Fairfield Country.

Kinesiology doc student, Rebecca Lopez, is quoted in the LA Times for a story about the new air-conditioned shoulder pads for football players.

The CommPACT Schools initiative, based at the Neag School, announces its first eight public schools and a major gift from a national organization.

Exercise scientist and hydration expert Douglas Casa is interviewed about the death of a Kentucky h.s. football player.

Ed Psych professor Jason Stephens research on academic cheating is featured on the front page of the Hartford Courant newspaper.

Neag prof Don Leu and his New Literacies research is featured in the New York Times.

Audio feed available of Dean Richard Schwab on the CommPACT Schools announcement and NEA Foundation gift.

CommPACT Schools announcement featured in the Connecticut Post newspaper.

Why do men have a tougher time transitioning to college? Prof. Jim O'Neil is interviewed for the Hartford Courant feature story.

Neag School receives award for infusing multicultural values into its programs.

Kinesiology alum Lani Fortier is selected as one of UConn's 40 under 40

Graduate student Jill Adelson is the first to be awarded the Esther Katz Rosen Fellowship by the American Psychological Foundation supporting graduate student research on gifted children.

The National Association of Gifted Children has selected a 5th grade math unit designed by Kathy Gavin and Project M3 team for its Curriculum of the Year Award.

HESA students involved in UCOMPASS, a program reaching out to UConn students in trouble.

Jonathan Plucker, alum of our master's special education program, is selected as one of UConn's 40 under 40

Prof. George Sugai and the CBER efforts in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports are highlighted in an article in Education World

Kinesiology's Douglas Casa, a national expert on exertional heat illnesses and hydration,

Podcast available of NPR interview with Neag Chair in Literacy & Technology, Dr. Don Leu.

Gifted professor Sally Reis receives a $600,000 grant to continue her research on using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for reading.

For an unprecedented 19th year, the U.S. Dept. of Education is funding the National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented, based at the Neag School.

Drs. Sally Reis and Catherine Little receive 5-year, $2.25 M federal grant to address the needs of middle school readers using the SEM-Reading Model.

District Administration magazine selects Renzulli Learning as one of Top 100 tech programs in education!

IB/M students organize a successful alternative college fair for Bulkeley H.S. students.

Dr. Marijke Kehrhahn, director of Teacher Education and of TNE, is awarded the UConn Alumni Assoc. Award for Excellence in Teaching (graduate level).

Dr. Mike Young, assoc. prof. of educational technology, is interviewed about the potential video games have for expanding and improving classroom learning.

Former UConn basketball star Emeka Okafor and the Neag School's Husky Sport program are featured on the front page of the Hartford Courant

Dr. Jason Stephens, ass't prof of educational psychology, and his research aimed at reducing cheating are featured in a New York Times editorial.

Neag alum is named Connecticut's top superintendent of the year!

Congratulations to three undergrads of our Dept. of Kinesiology who won the New England ACSM College Bowl: Britanny Minkus, Heather Wong and Nick Costanzo!

Kinesiology faculty present a successful forum on Energy Drinks to a standing-room-only audience.

Prof. Don Leu and his New Literacies research team share their thoughts on the 21st century literacies in The Council Chronicle, the National Council of Teachers of English magazine.

Provost Peter Nicholls announces that Associate Dean Thomas DeFranco has been selected to replace Dean Richard Schwab when he steps down next summer.

Gifted Education in Crisis! Assoc. Prof. Del Siegle, coauthors an oped published in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Named as a UConn Teaching fellow, Assoc. Professor Joseph Madaus and his dedication to preparing students for work in special education are featured in the Advance.

JP Morgan Chase donates $25,000 to Bridgeport's CommPACT Schools as part of a school reform effort led by the Neag School.

Richard Lemons, Dept. of Ed Leadership, is co-author of a recent national study examing the impact of the economic downturn on schools.

Prof. George Sugai, co-creator of the positive behavior model (PBIS) is pleased with its success in 30 Pennsylvania schools.

"Nothing magical" about the new fad -- the Flat Belly Diet -- says Jeff Volek, ass't professor of kinesiology, in a Chicago Tribune article.

Kathy Gavin, assoc. prof. of Gifted & Talented, and the afterschool math club she established in four Hartford schools is featured in the Hartford Courant.

Following the indictment of a football coach, Doug Casa, a leading expert in exercise and hydration, is interviewed about what a coach can do to protect his players from deadly heat stroke.

Larry Armstrong's study on the increased heat problems caused by football gear is highlighted in an ESPN blog.

Neag alum Karen List is named Superintendent of West Hartford Public Schools.

Merger of kinesiology and physical therapy departments is approved by UConn Board of Trustees.

Travelers $100,000 gift adds up to a successful after-school math enrichment program developed by Kathy Gavin, Ph.D.

CommPACT Schools, an urban school reform model based at the Neag School, receives $10,000 from Near & Far.

In an Education Week article on students with disabilities, Professor emeritus Stan Shaw is quoted.

Sunday Commencement Ceremony photo information, please click here.

NPR feature on school discipline success stories highlights the work of George Sugai, Neag Chair in Special Education.

Kinesiology alum Nicole Keith is the first African American elected to the National Board of Trustees for the American College of Sports Medicine.

Sue Saunders, assoc. professor in Educational Leadership, is coauthor of a guide for new professionals and their supervisors in Student Affairs Administration.

National heat illness expert Doug Casa, assoc. prof. of Kinesiology, announces new NATA pre-season training guidelines for h.s. sports.

NCATE cites Neag School as model for newly redesigned accreditation standards. Dean Schwab is interviewed by Education Week.

New Literacies expert Don Leu receives major federal grant to develop online reading comprehension assessment.

The Neag School's role in the CommPACT school reform initiative serves as model to newly announced accreditation standards for schools of education.

Neag alum Marcia Elliott is named Connecticut's top principal!

Men's Health magazine interviews Assoc. Prof Jeff Volek about healthy eating strategies for those who travel.

Just completing her first year of teaching, Neag teacher ed alum Tara Murphy, is named Teacher of the Year by Fairfax County (Va.) Public Schools.

Nationally renowned exertional heat illness expert Douglas Casa is interviewed by the Wall Street Journal about dangers of h.s. football practices in the summer.

TNE initiative to recruit teacher ed students of color receives $100,000 gift from Hearst Foundation.

William Kraemer, professor of exercise science, to receive UConn's Faculty Excellence in Research Award.

UConn Alumni Association to award Sandra Chafouleas, assoc. prof. of educational psychology, its Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award.

New Literacies expert Prof. Don Leu discusses online literacy comprehension at the New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute.

In a New York Times blog about heat stroke, Assoc. Prof Doug Casa is quoted.

Assoc. Prof Doug Casa's study of children at summer camp and dehydration issues is the subject of a New York Times health blog.

Grad student Stephen Kilgus, working with our Center for Behavior Education Research, receives an award from the American Psych Association.

Neag School ranks #1 best public school of education in the Northeast and on the East Coast.

Leadership transition - Dean Schwab honored while Dean DeFranco takes reins at Neag School.

Assoc. Prof Xae Reyes heads to Thailand as a Fulbright Senior Specialist.

Institute for Urban School Improvement receives

Physical Therapy is merged with the Dept. of Kinesiology as part of cost-saving move.

Executive Leadership Program bolstered by partnership with Conn. Assoc. of Public School Superintendents.

HuskySport event in Hartford's north end inspired young students to 'give back.

Neag Alumni Society honors eight alums for their significant contributions.

Prof. George Sugai and his Positive Behavior Support approach to improve learning and climate at schools across the country are featured on NBC 30 TV.

Exertional heat illness expert Doug Casa is interviewed by CNN about the new practice guidelines for h.s. football teams.

Rigors of TCPCG (teacher prep for college grads) prove worthwhile to 1st Waterbury cohort.

Doug Casa is key prosecution witness in controversial trial of Kentucky football coach charged with player's death.

Former associate dean and retired faculty member Fran Archambault is elected to UConn's Board of Trustees.

Novel Ed.D. in Educational Leadership designed to prepare strong leaders for Conn. schools.

Gifted and Talented prof Joe Renzulli is awarded the prestigious McGraw Prize in Education.

Kinesiology's Jaci VanHeest, assoc. prof. of exercise science, receives the Hope Humanitarian Award from her alma mater.

Husky Sport sponsors clean up of Hartford's North End on Saturday, Oct. 3. 200 UConn and neighborhood volunteers participate.

Neag alum, H. Bud Meyers, professor of education at UVM, is named director of its public policy research center.

Neag School's Chili Cook-off winners are announced.

Wendy Glenn, associate professor in English education, is now the president-elect of the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (ALAN).

Scholarships available for college grads interested in becoming math or science teachers. Deadline is Jan. 30th.

We lose a pioneer and advocate for people with developmental disabilities. Emeritus professor of Special Education A.J.

$250,000 from NEA Foundation to help support the CommPACT School reform model, based at the Neag School.

Prof. George Sugai's Positive Behavior Supports system is highlighted in a Hartford Courant article.

The UConn Nayden Rehabilitation Clinic is open for business with the same outstanding physical therapists who've been treating thousands of patients from surrounding communities in eastern Conn.

A feature story in the Conn. Mirror highlights research by Ed Leadership prof Casey Cobb and team that finds magnet schools benefit inner city and suburban students.

For an expanded list of News and Events, use the links on the left of this page.



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