University of Connecticut
Neag School of Education
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All Faculty & Staff     (alphabetical by last name)

Name Phone Dept Bldg/Room
Alfano, Michael (860) 486-1903
(860) 570-9283
Dean's Office
Teacher Education
Educational Psychology
Gentry 301A
Armstrong, Lawrence (860) 486-2647
(860) 486-3623
Physiology and Neurobiology
Nutritional Sciences
Gampel 205
Barker, Keith (860) 486-2686 Curriculum & Instruction CUE
Bates, Karen (860) 486-3741 Educational Psychology Tasker 01
Behuniak, Peter (860) 486-0198 Educational Psychology Gentry 119B
Bell, Sandy (Alexandra) (860) 486-0251 Educational Leadership Gentry 240C
Bhat, Anjana (860) 486-0019 Kinesiology Koons 106
Billings, Sandra (203) 236-9863 Teacher Education Waterbury
Bohannon, Richard (860) 486-0048 Kinesiology Koons 104
Bone, Donna (860) 486-0202 Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Psychology
Gentry 437
Bray, Melissa (860) 486-0167 Educational Psychology Gentry 011B
Bressette, Cheryl (860) 486-1121 Kinesiology Gampel 223
Brown, Scott (860) 486-0181 Educational Psychology Gentry 124
Bruder, Mary Beth (860) 679-1500 Educational Psychology Pappanikou Center
Bruening, Jennifer (860) 486-5139 Kinesiology Gampel 211
Bubela, Deborah (860) 486-1995 Kinesiology Koons 212
Burton, Laura (860) 486-3095 Kinesiology Gampel 218
Cadman, Carol (860) 486-0632 Inst. for Urban School Improvement Gentry 215
Capetta, Maryclaire (860) 486-8080 Kinesiology
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic
Casa, Tutita (860) 486-9078 Educational Psychology Tasker 41
Casa, Douglas (860) 486-3624
(860) 486-0265
Kinesiology Gampel 216
Chafouleas, Sandra (860) 486-6868 Educational Psychology Gentry 015B
Chasse, Rachel (860) 486-1854 Kinesiology Gampel 201
Cobb, Casey (860) 486-0253 Educational Leadership Gentry 233
Colbert, Robert (860) 486-0201 Educational Psychology Gentry 315A
Colon-Semenza, Cristina (860) 234-2295
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic
Coyne, Michael (860) 486-8326 Educational Psychology Gentry 004
Crouse, Jeffrey (860) 486-1443 Dean's Office Gentry 342B
DeFranco, Thomas (860) 486-3813 Dean's Office
Curriculum & Instruction
Gentry 342E
Denegar, Craig (860) 486-0052 Kinesiology Gampel 220
DePalma, Andrew (860) 486-9194 Educational Psychology Bishop Center
Devaney, Laurie (860) 486-8080
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic
DiStefano, Lindsay (860) 486-1118 Kinesiology Gampel 202
Donaldson, Morgaen (860) 486-4438 Educational Leadership Gentry 242A
Doyle, Mary Anne (860) 486-2433 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 410
Easton, Jo Ann (860) 486-4826
(860) 423-7396
Educational Psychology Tasker 09
Eckert, Rebecca (860) 486-8909 Teacher Education
Curriculum & Instruction
Gentry 401B
Everett, Susannah (860) 486-7972 Educational Psychology
Faggella-Luby, Michael (860) 486-6855 Educational Psychology Gentry 002B
Femc-Bagwell, Michele (860) 486-3209 Educational Leadership Gentry 226
Fink, Janet (860) 486-3169 Kinesiology Gampel 208
Gavin, M. Katherine (860) 486-8888 Educational Psychology Tasker 02
Geissert, Dianna (860) 486-3816 Dean's Office Gentry 340
Gianetti, Nancy (860) 486-2793 Educational Psychology Gentry 019D
Gillard, Jane (860) 486-8080 Kinesiology
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic Main Office
Glenn, Wendy (860) 486-0246 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 306
Goldstein, Jessica Educational Psychology
Goodkind, Thomas (860) 486-0290 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 417B
Grenier, Robin (860) 486-9201 Educational Leadership Gentry 240E
Gubbins, E. Jean (860) 486-4041 Educational Psychology Tasker 34
Hands, Robin (860) 486-0212 Teacher Education Gentry 401A
Hendrickson, Gary (860) 486-0174 Dean's Office Gentry 328
Hills, Morgan (860) 486-8080 Kinesiology
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic
Howard, Elizabeth (860) 486-9275 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 408
Irizarry, Jason (860) 486-9523 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 413C
Ivey, Kathy (860) 486-6841 Dean's Office Gentry 242
James, Marlon (860) 486-3804 Educational Leadership Gentry 240B
Joseph, Michael (860) 486-0040 Kinesiology Koons 208
Joyce, Cory (860) 486-0292 Dean's Office Gentry 119A
Judd, Jamison (860) 486-2645 Dean's Office Gentry 119C
Karan, Orville (860) 486-0207 Educational Psychology Gentry 313
Kaufman, Douglas (860) 486-0268 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 412
Kehle, Thomas (860) 486-0166 Educational Psychology Gentry 011A
Kehrhahn, Marijke (860) 486-0248 Dean's Office Gentry 340C
King, Anne (860) 486-3073 Dean's Office Gentry 342
Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey (860) 486-0047 Kinesiology Koons 110
Kolbe, Tammy (860) 486-2063 Educational Leadership Gentry 202
Kornegay, Shawn (860) 486-3675 Dean's Office Gentry 340E
Kraemer, William (860) 486-6892
(860) 486-6814
Physiology and Neurobiology
UConn School of Medicine
Gampel 203
Lease Butts, Jennifer (860) 486-0700 Educational Leadership Gentry 224 A
LeChasseur, Kimberly (860) 486-2403 Educational Leadership Gentry 217A
Leu, Donald (860) 486-0202 Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Psychology
Gentry 439
Levine, Thomas (860) 486-5449 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 426
Little, Catherine (860) 486-2754 Educational Psychology Tasker 05
Long, Anna (860) 486-0187 Educational Psychology Gentry 015C
Lowe, Cheryl (860) 486-9561
(860) 486-4031
Educational Psychology Gentry 119D
Madaus, Joseph (860) 486-2785 Educational Psychology Gentry 002C
Madaus, Melissa (860) 486-0821 Educational Psychology Gentry 102
Maggin, Daniel (860) 486-2793 Educational Psychology
Maloney-Gat, Monica (860) 570-9283 Dean's Office
Teacher Education
Hartford Library 207
Maneggia, Donalyn (860) 486-1407 Teachers for a New Era Gentry 303
Marcus, Alan (860) 486-0281 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 424
Maresh, Carl (860) 486-5322 Kinesiology
Physiology and Neurobiology
Nutritional Sciences
Gampel 223A
Mathews, Judith (860) 486-6013 Educational Psychology Tasker 43
Mayer, Anysia (860) 486-4491 Educational Leadership Gentry 242C
Mazerolle, Stephanie (860) 486-4536 Kinesiology Gampel 219
McCoach, D. Betsy (860) 486-0183 Educational Psychology Gentry 339
McDermott, Kathleen (860) 486-8881 Educational Psychology Tasker 04
McGuire, Joan (860) 486-6201 Educational Psychology Wilbur Cross 204
Morrone, Joseph (860) 486-2671 Kinesiology Gampel 207
Moss, David (860) 486-0249 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 422B
Muller, Lisa (860) 486-4676 Educational Psychology Tasker 33
Neelly, Linda (860) 486-2561 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 416
Nesbitt, Lisa (860) 486-6278 Educational Leadership Gentry 229
Niesobecki, Ann Marie (203) 236-9926 Dean's Office Waterbury 114
Nobile, Christine (860) 486-8084 Kinesiology Nayden Clinic
North, Christine (860) 486-6186 Dean's Office Gentry 340F
O'Keeffe, Breda (860) 486-2793 Educational Psychology
Olinghouse, Natalie (860) 486-6153 Educational Psychology Gentry 002D
O'Neil, James (860) 486-4281 Educational Psychology Gentry 329
Payne, Susan (860) 486-8858 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 401C
Pérusse, Rachelle (860) 486-0266 Educational Psychology Gentry 315B
Pescatello, Linda (860) 486-0008 Kinesiology
Physiology and Neurobiology
Nutritional Sciences
Gampel 206
Picardi, Noemi (860) 486-8901 Dean's Office Gentry 303B
Pichette, Valerie (860) 486-3813 Dean's Office Gentry 342C
Rasicot, Lisa (860) 486-3065 Dean's Office
Teacher Education
Gentry 303
Rechel, Anne (860) 486-4812 Educational Leadership Gentry 231
Reis, Sally (860) 486-0618 Educational Psychology Tasker 35
Renzulli, Joseph (860) 486-5279 Educational Psychology Tasker 36
Reyes , Xae Alicia (860) 486-0291 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 404A
Rinaldo-Ducat, Mary (860) 486-2433 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 406
Rizzo, Jon (860) 486-8080 Kinesiology
Nayden Clinic
Nayden Clinic Bottom Floor
Roberge, Joanne (860) 486-4034 Educational Psychology Gentry 315E
Rogers, H. Jane (860) 486-1244 Educational Psychology Gentry 338
Rojas, Eliana (860) 486-2005 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 422B
Rong, Yuhang (860) 486-3816 Dean's Office Gentry 340B
Roselle, René (860) 486-0079 Teacher Education
Dean's Office
Gentry 401D
Rosman, Susan (860) 486-5401 Educational Psychology Tasker 33
Ross, Matthew (860) 486-3380 Dean's Office Gentry 119A
Rutkauskas, Carissa (860) 486-5103 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 406
Sanetti, Lisa (860) 486-4281 Educational Psychology Gentry 015A
Saunders, Sue (860) 486-1241 Educational Leadership Gentry 240D
Schwab, Richard (860) 486-8100 Inst. for Urban School Improvement
Educational Leadership
Gentry 230
Sealey Kent, Lisa
Settlage, John (860) 486-1151 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 422A
Sharavolli, Katrease (860) 486-0049
(860) 486-1999
Kinesiology Koons 110
Shaw, Stan Educational Psychology Wilbur Cross 204
Sheckley, Barry (860) 486-2738 Educational Leadership Gentry 233
Shirshac, Kimberly (860) 486-0240 Educational Leadership Gentry 231
Siegle, Del (860) 486-0616 Educational Psychology Tasker 40
Simonsen, Brandi (860) 486-2763 Educational Psychology Gentry 005
Smey, Joseph (860) 486-0017 Kinesiology Koons 114
Sousa, Barbara (860) 486-4338 Inst. for Urban School Improvement Gentry 217C
Spottiswoode, Heather (860) 486-0283 Educational Psychology Tasker 15
Staples, Megan (860) 486-2097 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 413B
Stephens, Jason (860) 486-1114 Educational Psychology Gentry 122B
Stolzenberg, Daniel (860) 486-3104 Dean's Office Gentry 326
Sugai, George (860) 486-0289 Educational Psychology Gentry 019C
Swaminathan, Hariharan (860) 486-4031 Educational Psychology Gentry 336
Traynor, Ann (860) 486-1354 Dean's Office
Teacher Education
Gentry 301A (enter through 303)
Truxaw, Mary 860-486-2880 Curriculum & Instruction
Teacher Education
Gentry 413A
Tucker, Shuana (860) 486-8998 Educational Leadership Gentry 240A
Vahidi, Siamak (860) 486-0617 Educational Psychology Tasker 38
VanHeest, Jaci (860) 486-5123 Educational Psychology Gentry 331
Vigneault, Jeremy (860) 486-8086
(860) 486-8080
Nayden Clinic
Physical Therapy
Nayden Rehabilitation Clinic
Villanova, Robert (860) 486-8926 Educational Leadership Gentry 204
Volek, Jeff (860) 486-6712 Kinesiology
Nutritional Sciences
Gampel 217
Ward, Denise (860) 486-0020 Kinesiology Koons 102
Ward, Leah (860) 486-3625 Kinesiology Gampel 209
Weinland, Thomas (860) 486-8924 Curriculum & Instruction Gentry 119C
Welsh, Megan (860) 486-6125 Educational Psychology Gentry 335
Welton, Anjalé (860) 486-0891 Educational Leadership Gentry 226
West, Gary (860) 486-8722 Dean's Office Gentry 340F
Whitbread, Kathleen (860) 679-1565 Educational Psychology Pappanikou Center
Yakimowski, Mary (860) 486-2848 Dean's Office
Educational Psychology
Educational Leadership
Gentry 340A
Young, Michael (860) 486-0182 Educational Psychology Gentry 126
Zack, John (860) 570-1902 Curriculum & Instruction
Teacher Education
Hartford Library 324


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