University of Connecticut
Neag School of Education
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Welcome from the Dean

Thank you for visiting the Neag School of Education web site. We are proud to have earned a reputation among our peer institutions as a school on the move. This is due to the outstanding efforts of our faculty through their teaching, research and mentoring, and because of the strategic investments we’ve made in people, programs and technology, thanks in large part to a $21M endowment from Ray Neag.

Among our points of pride are:

    The Neag School is the top ranked public school of education in the Northeast and on the East Coast according to U.S.News & World Report.

    Three of our core programs rank among the nation's top 25 including: Elementary Education (14), Curriculum and Instruction (22), and Special Education (17).

    Our doctoral program in kinesiology is ranked #1 in the nation. This ranking was the result of an objective review process conducted by the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and stands for five years (2005-2010).

    Three national studies have ranked our School Psychology Program at the top of its field and two of its faculty as among the most productive.

    Two national research centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education are located at the Neag School -- the National Research Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development (NRCGT) and the OSEP Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS).

    We are an NCATE accredited school of education – the standard of excellence in teacher preparation.

Teacher education is recognized as a university-wide responsibility at UConn. This commitment from the University leadership, coupled with the caliber of our Integrated Bachelor's/Master's (IB/M) teacher preparation program, attracted the attention of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. We are honored to be one of the 11 teacher education programs chosen by Carnegie as an outstanding model. In partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, we are proud participants in Carnegie's highly-regarded teacher reform effort called Teachers for a New Era (TNE).

I am proud to be dean of the Neag School of Education and am enthusiastic about our prospects for continued success. Please contact my office if you have any questions.

Thomas C. DeFranco




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249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 2064C
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-2064
Phone: (860) 486-3813
Fax: (860) 486-0210