Accelerated Charter Schools™
Over the past 10 years, more than 3,400 charter schools have opened in U.S. communities nationwide. The success of these and future charter schools depends upon a number of factors including close community collaboration, highly qualified teachers, exemplary school leaders, sound instructional strategies and efficient administration. Accelerated Charter Schools™ provide key management and educational services to help charter schools launch and quickly reach their instructional goals. History of Success
Founded in 1986 as a pilot program in two schools, Accelerated Schools plus is one of the most successful school improvement models in the nation. The goal of Accelerated Schools plus is to create powerful learning opportunities for all students. By building on the strengths of each student, each Accelerated school uses the best of what we know about instruction to accelerate learning. Over the past two decades, Accelerated Schools plus has partnered with more than 1,800 public schools in 42 states. It currently manages charter schools in California, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and the District of Columbia.
Key Services
Accelerated Schools plus provides each Accelerated Charter School with vital resources to help it succeed:
. Foundational Work: Accelerated assists the school in creating and implementing its governance structure and plan.
. Visioning and Strategic Planning: Accelerated helps the charter school forge a shared vision and identify priorities.
. Business Planning: Accelerated works with the school to develop its business plan.
. Management and "Back-Office" Systems: Accelerated designs and manages "back-office" administrative and data systems that help charter schools run efficiently.
. Research-Based Instructional Services: Accelerated tailors pre-assessment, curricula, and instructional support services for the charter school. . Professional Development: Accelerated provides research and practical applications for classroom-level instruction. Its National Faculty provides trainers with support from the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented at the University of Connecticut .
. Accountability and Assessment: Accelerated facilitates self-assessment activities to measure student academic achievement, and school performance. Diagnostic assessments are used to gauge a school's progress and to provide data for sustained classroom improvement.
Results and Accomplishments
Accelerated Schools plus has been extensively studied and evaluated. Research and evaluations have shown that the Accelerated model leads to increases in student achievement and school improvement. An extensive summary of results can be found at the research link on this web site.
Additional Accelerated Capacities
In addition to charter school management, Accelerated Schools plus develops and implements school improvement partnerships nationwide in the form of Accelerated Learning Academies (K-8) and Accelerated High Schools. Accelerated is also one of the nation's pre-eminent providers of professional development for teachers and principals, and strategic management services for "turn-around" schools.
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