Message from Director

Accelerated Schools plus is a research-driven school improvement design that has been in practice for over 22 years. Effects and results of this work have been reported through numerous third party evaluations as well as through our continuous documentation of individual school improvement.
We are a staff of highly dedicated, experienced professionals located around the country that assist with providing high quality professional development experiences that focus on directly impacting instructional classroom practices. Accelerated Schools has worked with over 1700 schools over the 22 year span. This has created an expansive network of schools and districts throughout the country that have experienced the internal transformations possible through implementation of these accelerated practices.
We now offer customized services that best suit the needs of the exploring district or school, including our unique Online Learning Opportunities . We realize that each school, district and staff have a variety of needs and goals to be met and we pride ourselves on the ability to customize professional development plans based on the needs of each building in order to best assist schools with reaching their targeted goals.
Lisa Jaszcz,
National Director of Accelerated Schools plus
Our Vision
Accelerated Schools plus is a process for accelerating the achievement of all students by developing accelerated learning environments and empowering learners through academic rigor and inquiry-based instruction.
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