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> Online Professional

Online Professional Development

School staffing is always dynamic. New teachers or administrators are a constant factor effecting school culture. Our affiliated schools tell us that one of the biggest challenges they face each year is providing the instruction necessary to establish the philosophy of Accelerated Schools plus with new staff members. How do schools continue to move toward their shared vision and focus on the principles of acceleration, yet still provide efficient, sound instructional strategies for new staff? Online professional development is one possible solution.

Accelerated Schools plus™ offers Online Professional Development to our affiliated schools. AS plus is offering three online courses – Acceleration, Powerful Learning, and Academic Rigor.


This course is designed to provide participants with the process and philosophy of Accelerated Schools plus. It also encourages and supports dialogue / discussion and reflective practices in the areas of the principles of acceleration, the values of Accelerated Schools plus and the creation of an environment of acceleration through powerful learning.

Powerful Learning

This course explores Powerful Learning through practical application of the PL components. Participants reflect on their own teaching practices while discussing, revising and reflecting on their lessons.

Academic Rigor (New course!- click here for more information)

This course is designed to help teachers define rigor while offering strategies and skills that lead to deeper academic practice.

Courses Dates

• Session: August 10, 2009 – September 21, 2009
  (Registration Due: July 31, 2009 )

• Session: September 14, 2009 – October 26, 2009
  (Registration Due: August 31, 2009)

• Session: October, 12, 2009 – November 23, 2009
  (Registration Due: September 30, 2009 )

• Session: January 11, 2010– February 22, 2010
  (Registration Due: December 15, 2009 )

• Session: February 1, 2010– March 15, 2010
  (Registration Due: January 22, 2010)

• Session: May 3, 2010– June 14, 2010
  (Registration Due: April 9, 2010)

• Session: May 10, 2010– June 21, 2010
  (Registration Due: April 13 , 2010)

Registration Fees: $165 per course / per participant

To register for these courses, please complete the registration form (word) (pdf) .

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