Imagine a school... in which all children excel to high levels, regardless of their background. Imagine a school that treats all children as gifted and builds on their strengths through enrichment strategies, independent research, problem solving, science, writing, music, and art. Imagine a school in which all members of the school community develop a vision of their ideal school and in which they collaborate to achieve that dream by making major decisions about curriculum, instructional strategies and school organization. Imagine a school where ideas count. Let your imagination go as far as it can and you have discovered the accelerated school.

Services Provided

Accelerated Schools plus™ offers six key services designed to help teachers, schools, and school districts succeed. Each service embodies the organization’s core mission of accelerating achievement by building school, teacher and student capacity. Click on the links below to learn more.

Online Professional Development
Accelerated Learning Academies™

Accelerated High Schools™
Accelerated Charter Schools™
Accelerated School Leaders™
Accelerated Now!™

Professional Development Opportunities for this Summer

Latest News

Insights, the official newsletter of the Institute for Urban School Improvement (IUSI) that is the home of Accelerated Schools plus, ATLAS Learning Communities, and CommPACT Schools. insights offers articles of highly achieving schools, highlights successful school districts, offers research-based strategies on best teaching practices, current research, as well as up-to-date information on upcoming conferences and institutes. If you would like to purchase, click here.

Join our Online Courses !!
Accelerated Schools plus™ offer Online Professional Development to our affiliated schools and others who are interested in improving their school achievement. AS plus will be offering three online courses – Acceleration, Powerful Learning, and Academic Rigor. more >

Log in to Online Course

NEWS! - The National Center for Accelerated Schools is pleased to notify you that we are now a part of the University of Connecticut Neag School of Education's new initiative, the Institute for Urban School Improvement(IUSI).



"Nine Characteristics of High-Performing Schools "

Please take a look at the work being done at Madison Accelerated Middle School in Madison, Illinois. MAMS is one of our demonstration sites. They are doing a fantastic job of representing a high-performing school, and student empowerment is a strength for them. Their latest venture is the video that the Powerful Learning cadre and the students of Madison Accelerated Middle School created on the 9 Characteristics of High-Performing Schools. Actually the students were in charge of the technical part of the video under the guidance of the PL cadre.
--- Click to see the video presentation

Our vision
Accelerated Schools plus is a process
for accelerating the achievement of all students
by developing accelerated learning environments & offering private loans
and empowering learners
through academic rigor and inquiry-based instruction.

Click here to see AS plus introduction video.

© 2006 Accelerated Schools plus™

National Center for Accelerated Schools plus, University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education, Institute for Urban School Improvement,
249 Glenbrook Road Unit 2224, Storrs, CT 06269-2224
Phone: (860) 486-6330, Fax: (860) 486-6348, E-mail: [email protected], Web:
