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Moratorium on Telephone Requests June 11-July 2

University Information Technology Services (UITS) is in the process of upgrading Pinnacle, our telecommunications management system.


Reducing Waste


Printing out documents in Century Gothic uses 30% less ink. Go green and save money. Listen to the story. More...

New CIO Seeks to Build Trust


UConn Advance Article More...

HuskyMail to be Replaced


UConn Today Article More...

Network Registration Begins July 6, 2010


On Tuesday, July 6, 2010 UITS will remove all registered NetIDs from the Network Registration (NetReg) database. Open registration will begin on Tuesday, July 6 and will continue through Sunday, July 25. The pre-registration period enables you to register your devices/systems at a time convenient for you. Take advantage of the early registration period so that you can resolve any unforeseen problems before they become critical. It is strongly encouraged that you pre-register prior to the scheduled mandatory registration date, Monday, July 26. More...

UITS Closed Access to the MSB I/O Room on June 10, 2010


On June 10, 2010, UITS permanently closed the doors to the I/O room (M030A) located on the ground floor of the Math Science Building. This room had served as one of the common public entrance points to the University Data Center. The doors were closed to allow for more efficient use of the cooling capacity, to re-purpose the room to usable floor space, and increase security by reducing public ingress/egress points to one. More...

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