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Program Information

What is the Academic Achievement Center?

The AAC provides academic process coaching in those areas necessary to produce academic excellence. Study approaches, assistance with the design of effective techniques for dealing with class notes, text readings, journal articles, and lab manuals comprise the core of process skills presented. These skills are complimented by the time management, motivation, and stress management skills required for consistent academic performance at the highest levels. Students’ needing specific GPA’s required for admission into upper division majors, and graduate or professional schools will find the Academic Achievement Center an important resource that can assist them in realizing their dreams and potential, while those students on academic probation or warning can access the AAC to learn more effective, efficient strategies to perform better.

When a student visits the Academic Achievement Center, he/she is paired with a student coach for a personal meeting. The coach will assess the areas that student needs help with based on the student’s account of his/her academic performance and routine. When necessary a coach may choose to use one of several simple inventories to facilitate this process. Coaches are trained to help their peers better manage time and stress, as this is often an obstacle for students’ success. Coaches will also often work with students by highlighting specific information processing techniques. A Coach may reference journal articles or specifically designed worksheets to help students improve essential skills like note taking and preparing for exams. Students may return to the AAC to have additional meetings with the same coach. Students who visit the AAC benefit from the individualized strategies for success that they develop through working with a coach.

Couch and Student at AAC
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Academic Achievement Center in Advance, March 23, 2009


Academic Achievement in Daily Campus, March 5, 2009



The Web People

First Year Programs & Learning Communities
368 Fairfield Way Unit 2232
Storrs, CT 06269-2232
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-486-3378