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The Communication Disorders Program at the University of Connecticut

The mission of the Communication Disorders Program is to develop a theoretical perspective on human communication disorders and their clinical management. The undergraduate concentration is a pre-professional major within the liberal arts and sciences curriculum. Upon graduation, students pursue studies in one of two distinct areas offered within the graduate program leading to either professional or research degrees.

Audiology. An audiologist is trained to diagnose and manage disorders of hearing and auditory processing, to provide counseling and habilitation methods, and to apply a variety of technologies such as hearing aids and assistive listening devices to enhance hearing and auditory processing in persons diagnosed with impairment. The Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) is the required professional entry-level degree.

Speech-Language Pathology. A speech-language pathologist is trained to diagnose and treat developmental and acquired communication disorders such as difficulties with comprehension and generation of language, speech or voice production, or speech fluency. Speech-language pathologists are also trained to diagnose and treat swallowing disorders. The M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology is the required professional entry-level degree and also prepares students for clinical certification.

Clinical experiences in speech language pathology and audiology are important components of these degree programs and are offered in the UConn Speech and Hearing Clinic (located in the D.C. Phillips Communication Sciences Building) as well as at several external sites. Off-campus placements include acute and rehabilitation hospitals, long term-care facilities, out-patient clinics, birth-to-three agencies, schools, and private practice settings.

Both degree programs are accredited by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association's (ASHA) Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA).

Five areas of emphasis are offered for the research Ph.D. degree: (1) speech pathology, (2) language, (3) audiology, (4) speech science, and (5) hearing science. The curriculum involves broad-based coursework and mentored experimental investigations followed by dissertation research.