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Center for Nursing Scholarship

 Interim Director:  Robin D. Froman  RN, PhD, FAAN  View Webpage
                              Associate Editor, Research in Nursing & Health

 Staff: Thomas L. Long, PhD  View Webpage
             Associate Professor-in-Residence

           Stephen J. Walsh, Sc.D.
             Associate Professor 

           William D. Barta, PhD
Assitant Professor in Residence

            Elise Bennett, MS
             Program Manager 

The Center for Nursing Scholarship (CNS) was established in 1991 to support faculty, staff, students, and community health care professionals
in developing research programs and scholarship efforts.
CNS Goals:
  1. Provide extensive funding application (research, programmatic and contract) support resources for opportunity finding, development, submission,
    implementation and evaluation of grants/contracts.

  2. Create an environment to incubate and develop new knowledge to support nursing research, education and practice.    UConn Research Umbrella [pdf]

  3. Foster interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary efforts across schools/colleges and professions supportive of excellence in patient outcomes.

  4. Facilitate successful dissemination activities of faculty, advanced graduate students and staff related to the scholarship of research, teaching and practice
    in nursing and its interface with other disciplines.

  5. Enhance the academic mission by providing educational programs supportive of the scholarship of nursing research, teaching and practice.

Resources include an 800 sq. ft. research lab located in Storrs Hall, Room 201. The lab is equipped with 16 networked PCs with statistical software,
internet access and desktop links to UConn's library. Software programs available in the lab include: Microsoft Office, SPSS14, SAS, BIOSTAT Power
and Precision, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, N-Query Advisor, Optimal Design, NVIV07 and other research-related software. 

Support personnel are available through the CNS and School of Nursing. Work-study students, graduate assistants, administrative specialists
and selected faculty are available to support research and scholarship efforts. Specialized research-related assignments may be contracted
out for a fee (i.e. translation, video/tape recording, expert consultation, etc.)


  • Consultation on computer skills, research design, statistics, literature searches, and grant writing
  • Assistance with proposal development and identifying potential funding sources
  • Pre-submission grant review for competitively funded projects
  • Supportive services for collaborative research projects
  • Instrument development procedures from item construction through factor analysis
  • General data management and interpretation
  • Planning and implementing research, education, and in-service programs
  • Administrative support throughout the research process from application to assisting with publication and/or distribution
    of a product as a result of research conducted

CNS staff have assisted with research proposals submitted to or funded by:

Aetna Foundation
Dept. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Diabetes Research & Education Foundation
Donaghue Foundation
John A. Hartford Foundation
Guggenheim Foundation
John Simon Memorial Foundation
Howard Hughes Foundation
MATCH Coalition
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Sigma Theta Tau International
State CT Dept. of Public Health, Dept. of Higher Education
Tow Foundation
U.S. Dept. of Education

Partners have included:

American College of Nurse Midwives Region I
Connecticut Nurses Association
Connecticut United for Research Excellence (CURE)
Hartford Hospital
Hispanic Health Council
John Dempsey Hospital
Collaborative Research Group State Department of Health
CT Nursing Research Alliance
Visit these related sites:
Dodd Center Archives of Nursing Leadership
Sigma Theta Tau, Mu Chapter 
Eastern Nursing Research Society

For information about the Center for Nursing Scholarship contact:

The University of Connecticut
School of Nursing
Center for Nursing Scholarship (Storrs Hall, Room 201)
231 Glenbrook Road, Unit 2026
Storrs, CT 06269-2026
Phone: (860) 486-8321
Fax: (860) 486-0001