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Records Management

Records Management at the University of Connecticut is coordinated by the University Archivist who also serves as the University's Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) to the Connecticut State Library.

Any questions or concerns regarding the retention, storage, or destruction of University records, regardless of format, should be directed to Betsy Pittman, University Archivist (860.486.4507 / 860.486.4521 fax).

State of Connecticut audit reports as they relate to UConn are available here.

Quick Reference Guides

Created by the Public Records Administration of the Connecticut State Library, the reference guides are useful for

  • understanding Records Management terms [PDF, 95KB]
  • individuals who will be retiring from their University position [PDF, 82KB]
  • individuals who are separating from the University [PDF, 327 KB]
  • programs that are being discontinued [PDF, 78KB].

Special Notice

The moratorium imposed on all financial records associated with federally supported projects at the University of Connecticut has been lifted.
Please contact Betsy Pittman with any questions.

    If you are interested in receiving occaisional emails regarding Records Management issues
    at UConn please contact Betsy Pittman to be added to the distribution list.

This page is maintained by B. Pittman