Getting Started - Critical Languages
Interested in starting a new language at the University of Connecticut?The University of Connecticut offers self-instruction in Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Vietnamese, but we will offer any language for which a minimum of six students sign up.We also offer traditional classroom instruction in Arabic, American Sign Language, Chinese, Japanese, Modern Greek and Polish. The courses are offered for three credits per semester over four semesters. However, please be advised that these courses will not be offered with fewer than six students per section and therefore we cannot guarantee that you will be able to fulfill the university's Foreign Language requirement through the Critical Languages Program. In addition, enrollment permission will only be granted to students with sophomore standing or above.
Self InstructionWhat does self-instruction mean? Self-instruction means that you meet with a conversation partner (CP) who is a native speaker of the language for two to three hours per week. In addition to participating in these meetings you are required to study about four hours per week on your own. We collaborate with faculty members of universities where your target language is taught in a regular program. At the end of the semester you will meet with this professor and take a final exam, for which you are prepared over the course of the semester.With two Apple computer labs, wireless iBook laptops, iPods, iSights, digital cameras, camcorders and a web-based storage system available to you, you will have the opportunity to use cutting edge technologies to improve your language skills, interact with native speakers throughout the world and create a portfolio of your multimedia work.
ContactFor information contact:Florence Marsal: Fall 2010 |