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Electrical Insulation Research Center


EIRC adds value to the electrical industry through its ability to conduct, originate, and/or manage projects in a manner which is meaningful to both academics and the industry. Indeed, the ability to communicate in familiar vocabulary with both academia and industry is an essential part of matching the capabilities of the former to the needs of the latter. The Director of EIRC has two decades of employment experience as a research engineer and manager within electric utility, electrical manufacturing, and consulting companies, and has come to EIRC with the objective of matching the needs of the electrical, electronics and military industries with the capabilities of an industry-oriented academic facility



An examination of failed transmission cable in 1973 set in motion events which led to the establishment of the Electrical Insulation Research Center (EIRC) by Dr. L.V. Azaroff, the founding Director of the Institute of Materials Science at the University of Connecticut.

Through its Director who has extensive utility and electrical industry experience along with solid academic credentials, EIRC acts as an interface between the University and the Electrical Industry. EIRC combines the interdisciplinary skills of a dozen faculty members supported by staff research assistants, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. The Center undertakes investigation of limited problems as well as long-range research.  Recent research has been concentrated in the areas of:

  • Power Cable, transmission, distribution and DC
  • High energy density capacitors
  • Partial discharge detection
  • Dielectric measurements such as characterization of nonlinear grading materials
  • Measurement of high field phenomena such as charge injection and electroluminescence
  • Development and application of programs for transient nonlinear finite element analysis with coupled electric and thermal fields
  • Properties and high voltage applications of SF6 gas
  • ZnO arrester elements and surge arresters
  • Transient phenomena in power systems, especially interactions among lightning and switching phenomena, cables, and transformers and motors


EIRC operates as part of the University of Connecticut and is subject to the privileges and restrictions of a State institution. A Industry Advisory Board provides member input into the formulation of long-term direction and policy, including selection of topics for the Fall workshops.