Parasite Collection: Scolex of Anthocephalum by Ernst Haekel, Dover Pubs. Inc., 1974 (reproduction from Kunstformen der Natur, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, Lepzig & Vienna, 1904)
University of Connecticut Parasite Collection: Scolex of Anthocephalum by Ernst Haekel, Dover Pubs. Inc., 1974 (reproduction from Kunstformen der Natur, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, Lepzig & Vienna, 1904)
UConn Biological Collections Parasite Collection: Scolex of Anthocephalum by Ernst Haekel, Dover Pubs. Inc., 1974 (reproduction from Kunstformen der Natur, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, Lepzig & Vienna, 1904)
Ant Guests Collection
Bird Collections : Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis) by W.E. Cooper, in Forshaw, J.M., 1978, Parrots of the world, David and Charles.
Mammal Collection : Image of a Peccary
Insects and  Invertebrate Collection: Scarab Beetle (Dynastes tityus) from LeConte, J.L. (ed.) 1859, The Complete Writings of THomas Say on the Entomology of North America, Bailliere Brothers
FIsh Collection: Salvelinus fontinalis by Duane Raver, US Fish & Wildlife Mammal Collection : Image of a Peccary
Insects and  Invertebrate Collection: Scarab Beetle (Dynastes tityus) from LeConte, J.L. (ed.) 1859, The Complete Writings of THomas Say on the Entomology of North America, Bailliere Brothers Plant Collections: Orontium aquaticum flower from Revue Horticole, 1888

Mailing address:
Biological Collections
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Connecticut Unit 3043
Storrs, CT 06269-3043, USA
Phone: 860-486-8954

A New Combined Collection Facility for the University of Connecticut Systematic Research Collections; NSF (DBI-9876793 A000); P.I.s: Janine N Caira, Kurt Schwenk, David L Wagner, Donald H Les.
EEB Homepage

last modified: 27 July 2004; first posted: 13 Aug 1998
site design by: Michael McAloon & Derek Sikes; Copyright © 2004 University of Connecticut