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Campus Education Firm is Sold in Multimillion Dollar Deal
An online educational company founded by UConn faculty has been acquired by a national software company. more...

UConn Cardiologist is First in New England with New Treatment
A new device used to treat peripheral arterial disease offers an alternative to bypass surgery. more...
Fall 2010 Finals Schedule
Please follow the link to check finals schedule more...

Annual International Human Rights Ratings Announced
The data on government human rights practices are compiled by a UConn political science professor. more...
Fall 2010 Finals Schedule
Please follow the link to check finals schedule more...

Celebrating a Milestone
As Connecticut celebrated a milestone in UConn history with the football team’s invitation to its first Bowl Championship Series game, reaction to the prospect of a new era in Huskymania beginning at the more...
Reshaping an Urban Elementary School
One day late this summer, Desi Nesmith ’01, MA ’02, sits in his no-frills office at America’s Choice at SAND School in the North End of Hartford. No school banner hangs on the wall. more...

Illustrating the Peace Corps Experience
Illustration students captured the essence of the Peace Corps, celebrating its 50th anniversary. more...
Twain Exhibit Illustrates Author’s Ties with College
Writer, humorist, and satirist Mark Twain spent 17 years of his life in Hartford and was an admirer of the city. One of his unpublished works, a story about the microscopic titled '3000 Years Among the more...

Déjà Vu: We Have Maya and Kemba and the Others Don’t
The Huskies' Maya Moore and Kemba Walker are considered the two best players in college basketball. more...
Fall 2010 Finals Schedule
Please follow the link to check finals schedule more...

Marine Science, Live from a Reef Near You
For many people, images of sunny skies, clear blue water, and brightly-colored fish darting about on reefs represent a tropical paradise that’s just a dream. more...
Husky Women’s Basketball Moves Toward HistoryFake Pot Spurs Increasing Number of Calls to Poison CenRe-interpreting ShakespeareUniversity Announces First Philanthropic Gift for Stem UConn Reevaluating Student Parking
UConn Athletics
Baseball. Baseball Announces 2011 ScheduleFootball. Edsall Honored By Gridiron Club Of Greater BoW. Basketball. Less Than 1,000 Tickets Remain for TuesdBaseball. Springer & Nemeth Named to NCBWA Preseason AlFootball. Todman Named Sporting News First Team All-Ame
UConn pupil launches charitable Web site (Hartford BusiSeaweed: The new trend in water purification (physorg.cUConn donation: Stem Cell Research Gets $700,000 DonatiAncient Food for Thought (Live Science) 12-09-10NFL Partners with Athletic Trainers on Concussion Effor
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