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Welcome to the Department of Geography at the University of Connecticut

The Department of Geography offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Geography. Interested students are encouraged to explore the information on these web pages and to contact the Graduate Coordinator (Prof. Seth) or the Undergraduate Coordinator (Prof. Berentsen) for additional information.


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The UConn Foundation is accepting donations for the Alex Vias Urban Studies Student Enrichment Fund.  If you want to make a donation, it should be sent to the University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc., 2390 Alumni Drive, Unit 3206, Storrs, CT 06269-3206 with the account number 22812.

Professor Alexander Vias passed away suddenly on the morning of April 25. Alex was an expert in rural development.  In recent years his research moved into the area of community health and health disparities. As an outcome of these interests, he developed close working relationships with members of the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

While being an active and important member of the Department of Geography, Alex was also the coordinator of the Urban and Community Studies Program on the Storrs Campus.  He was very excited about this program and carefully nurtured it over the past few years.  Finally, he worked with the Institute of Puerto Rican & Latino Studies.

Alex was always a very calming influence in the department.  He was a beloved colleague, teacher, friend and mentor. His demeanor, his intellect and his humor will be missed.