Welcome to the Facilities Operations Webpage
Please explore the subsequent Operations pages for general maintenance info, the appropriate contact person for your area, and maintenance happenings that may affect you or your department.
Our web based Facilities Asset Management Integrated System's Self-Service capability is now up and running - ready for use by the campus community utilizing the Faculty & Staff link above.
Students should utilize the "Student" link above to report any problems in their residence halls as the Department of Residential Life is first responder to such calls. Follow-up calls should go to your Complex Office.
Please take a few moments to review the Self-Service tutorial (accessible from the link at the top of this page) prior to logging in to FAMIS to report your maintenance troubles.
The most common trouble calls have been listed under the "Storrs Maintenance and Repairs", broken down into trade or maintenance types. If your particular trouble is not listed, please use the button to create your own request. In the alphabetized building list you will also find streets, parking lots, fields, etc. for your use, i.e. burned out street light in parking lot "F".
We appreciate you utilizing the FAMIS Self-Service for routine and minor maintenance issues. Emergencies should still be called into 486-3113.
Once again we thank you for your patience and welcome your input as we strive to serve the campus more effectively.
Should you encounter problems with FAMIS Self-Service, please refer your functional questions/issues to Allison Dempsey at 486-5118 and your technical questions/issues to Jessica Alson at 486-5201. Please do not call UITS on FAMIS issues as they will be unable to assist you.