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Welcome to UConn's

Environmental Compliance Office!

UConn’s Environmental Compliance Office coordinates and manages environmental compliance regulatory requirements applicable to the University’s diverse operational and construction activities.The compliance responsibilities of this office include:

  • Environmental assessment, siting and land use planning and permitting to preserve wetlands, wildlife and other natural resources.
  • Construction site environmental monitoring in order to ensure proper maintenance of erosion and sedimentation controls and best management practices for construction-related waste and site remediation.
  • Air pollution control permitting, record-keeping, and reporting for UConn’s co-generation facility, central utility plant and hundreds of emissions units.
  • Environmental guidance on permits, studies and plans related to UConn’s water supply, storm drainage and wastewater treatment systems, and storage tanks.
  • Developing and maintaining UConn’s environmental management system, including auditing, training and document control.

In addition to this enhanced environmental compliance oversight, the Office of Environmental Policy continues to direct “green” campus initiatives, energy and water conservation, and environmental literacy.

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