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  University of Connecticut
Center for Continuing Studies
One Bishop Circle, Unit 4056
Storrs, CT 06269-4056
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CLIR was established by the University Board of Trustees in 1990. It is under the auspices of the Center for Continuing Studies.

The purpose of CLIR is to provide meaningful and serious intellectual activities for retired (or semi-retired) men and women from all walks of life, conducted in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. No academic requirements are necessary and there is no age limitation.

CLIR offers a range of offerings from classic literature to up-to-date science, from vintage films to current events, from archeology to astronomy, from history of religion to eco-travel. Most courses have a lot of discussion. Members read and write poetry if they wish to. We exercise our brains while being with good friends as they become better friends.

The CLIR program consists of three academic sessions each year.  In each session, there are typically 7 to 12 mini courses, each running from 2 to 10 weeks, as well as several single lectures or seminars (called “Special Events”). All instructors and speakers serve on a volunteer (unpaid) basis, as do all the officers of the organization.

During the three sessions of the academic year July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, a total of 26 courses and 18 Special Events were offered.  The total enrollment in these courses and events was 1668. As of June 30, 2007, the total paid membership in CLIR was 211.

Executive powers of CLIR are vested in an Executive Council elected annually by the membership.

It might be noted that many of our members are deeply involved in volunteer capacities at the University of Connecticut, at Eastern Connecticut State University, and in the community, for example at hospitals, rehab centers and senior centers. Further examples include all the museums on campus, the Emeritus Assembly of AAUP, and the boards of town historical societies and of Joshua’s Trust, a land preservation organization. CLIR is a bridge between the University and the supportive wider community.

Brochure or Online Registration
Request a Brochure for the New and Upcoming Programs and Membership Information. Or, click here for information on how to register for a class online.