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  University of Connecticut
Center for Continuing Studies
One Bishop Circle, Unit 4056
Storrs, CT 06269-4056
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Bachelor of General Studies Degree Program

Why not continue your studies at New England's top-ranked public university?
If you have 60 college credits or an associate's degree, UConn's BGS degree-completion program could be right for you. And, if you're a Connecticut Community College graduate, you are guaranteed admission.

Learn more about what UConn and the BGS program can do for you. A counselor can help you choose a BGS theme or minor and help you select from hundreds of UConn classes to create a course of study unique to you.

Attend one of our information sessions, and we will waive the $95
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application fee. So reserve a seat today!

Check out the latest edition of the BGS Online Newsletter while you're here!

You might also be interested in our Bachelor of Professsional Studies program, a new UConn degree-completion option.

Each BGS student has a distinct story and distinct goals; this is what makes the BGS degree the right choice for you! Whether you seek a career change or graduate school, UConn and the BGS degree can help you get there while balancing work, home, and school.

More than 5000 students have graduated from UConn with a BGS degree since 1977 making it one of our largest and most successful programs. With UConn, you have access to classes at 6 locations throughout the state and online and you can complete the BGS degree through part-time study. You know UConn offers top-notch faculty, curriculum, and technology backed by national accreditation and recognition; quality does matter.

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Graduate!CT logoThe University of Connecticut is a participating partner in the initiative - Graduate!Connecticut which is a partnership of Connecticut colleges, universities and allied agencies that aim to help busy working adults return to and complete their college learning. Click the icon to learn more.