Consulting is a time honored and frequent activity of faculty throughout U.S. research universities. The ability to consult is important in promoting recruitment and retention of faculty of the highest quality. Often, such consulting activities provide a range of benefits including fostering economic development, enhancing the reputation of the University, promoting faculty development and enhancing the faculty's ability to bring to the classroom current and relevant "real world" experiences, among others.

Consulting is an activity performed by a faculty member for compensation as a result of his/her expertise or prominence in his/her field while not acting in his/her official capacity as a State employee (i.e. in his/her own time.) The University's Laws and Bylaws prohibit faculty from consulting on "time due to the University."

Revisions to the Consulting System to be Implemented on April 21, 2010
Revisions to the Consulting System to be Implemented on January 1, 2009