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CLAS at UConn

CLAS is the largest college at UConn, offering majors in more than 50 fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Its 600 faculty and more than 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students contribute to our understanding of the environment, health and human behavior, and culture and society. More than 85,000 UConn alumni are CLAS graduates. Learn more


CLAS Today

Anthro major to be midwife
Michelle Farber, CLAS ’11, studied with midwifes in South Africa on her study abroad. Now she will become one.
PhD student brings bartending to the lab
Genetics graduate student Mark Longo spent 15 years of his life bartending, and he says he wouldn’t change a day of it. He was looking for what inspired him most.
Go West, Young Man, or Not
American migration is declining, and the economy is only part of it. The trend is to stay put.
When one degree is not enough
Justin Maher has already earned a BA, in December. In May he will collect a BS. In all, he’s had three majors, two minors, and has traveled the Silk Road.

News Archives


Snakes, lizards and tongues

Kurt Schwenk, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, studies lizards and snakes. His work focuses on their tongues. But he also loves mammals and is working on a book about his experiences as a zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo.

"The best way to get over your fear is to have someone you trust hold the snake, keeping its head away, while you touch it and prove to yourself that it’s not disgusting. One quickly learns that snakes are not slimy, that they are, in fact, warm, smooth and muscular—they don’t feel like anything else, especially when they move in your hands. It’s really marvelous. The next step is to hold the snake yourself. They are so beautiful to look at and their movement is so remarkable—it is very powerful and controlled—that most people begin to see the snake in a more positive light."

More on snakes, lizards and tongues...

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