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Bienvenidos a CLACS!

With its interdisciplinary faculty research initiatives, graduate and undergraduate curriculum, collaborative programming, and community outreach projects the Center of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at the University of Connecticut is a critical partner in fostering learning about the people and places in Latin America and primarily the Spanish Caribbean. As the oldest area studies program at the University of Connecticut, CLACS has continued to develop and expand its role in the university since the first formal studies of the region in the 1940s and as a Center starting in 1974. It currently is the only public or private university granting an undergraduate major, minor and Masters degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies in New England.

Over sixty affiliated faculty members in six colleges and twenty-two departments constitute the life-blood of CLACS. While continuing to support faculty in their traditional area studies relationships with the Center, CLACS has begun to deepen its association with the Institute of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies. The faculty in these two academic units have increasingly moved together in their research and teaching agendas. CLACS is well positioned to engage new academic initiatives that seek to integrate older area and ethnic studies models with a transnational, hemispheric orientation of the Americas.

Again, welcome; we look forward to hearing from you.

Muchos saludos,

Mark Overmyer-Velázquez, CLACS Director


Announcing the Dr. Paul B. Goodwin, Jr. Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship

The Scholarship provides scholarship support for University of Connecticut students participating in the University's Study Abroad Programs.

To be eligible for the scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

a. Be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time in the University.
b. Be accepted into an approved Study Abroad Program at the University.
c. Demonstrate academic achievement: and
d. Demonstrate an interest in Latin America.

*Priority consideration will be given to students majoring in Latin American Studies.



We are pleased to announce that the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies will again be administering a limited number of Tinker Foundation Graduate Field Research Grants to provide graduate students with travel funds (international and in-country) to Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal with limited field research expenses. These awards allow students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of language and culture, to familiarize themselves with information sources relevant to their studies; to conduct pilot studies and preliminary investigations, and to develop contacts with scholars and institutions in their fields. Awards are limited to graduate students conducting predissertation research. MA and PhD students are eligible. Puerto Rico is considered to be within the United States and therefore not a funded destination at this time.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS for 2011: Friday, MARCH 4th, 5pm. (Click here for application)
INFORMATIONAL MEETING WED., FEBRUARY 16TH AT 5PM IN THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM (240 Ryan). Former recipients will share stories of their grant award experiences followed by application information. Light refreshments will be served.