CBER Group at the Fall Research Collaborative
from Left to Right: Director George Sugai, Graduate Assistant (GA) Lindsay Fallon, GA Melissa Berggren, post-doctoral fellow Dan Maggin, research scientist (RS) Lisa Sanetti, RS Sandy Chafouleas, RS Brandi Simonsen, Program Assistant Nancy Gianetti, post-doctoral fellow Anna Long, research associate Susannah Everett, RS Michael Faggella-Luby, RS Natalie Olinghouse, RS Mike Coyne, & post-doctoral fellow Breda O'Keeffe
Sandy Chafouleas and colleagues have recently made several updates to the Direct Behavior Rating. There is a new training module on using DBR to assess student behavior, as well as a podcast on using DBR in self-management. Check out the website and learn how you can use DBR for a variety of assessment, intervention, and communication purposes in your school! website.
Dr. Chafouleas serves as guest editor for School Psychology Review Special Series: Behavioral Assessment within Problem-Solving Models
Dr. Sandra Chafouleas, in collaboration with colleagues at Northeastern University, Louisiana State University, and the University of Washington, have recently guest edited a special issue of School Psychology Review entitled Behavioral Assessment within Problem-Solving Models. She also co-authored the introductory article that featured a discussion of current status and future directions for the topic. The issue is unique in that it brings together many diverse perspectives regarding the issue of school-based behavior assessment within a problem-solving framework. Also included in the special series is a manuscript by Briesch, Chafouleas, and Riley-Tillman, which compares the generalizability and dependability of systematic direct observation and Direct Behavior Rating for estimating academic engagement. To view articles of the special issue, visit the Publications page of the National Association of School Psychologists' website.
Dr. Chafouleas co-authors two pieces in current issue of Assessment for Effective Intervention Special Series: Universal Screening Beyond Academic Performance, Part 1
Check out the recent special issue of Assessment for Effective Intervention on universal screening beyond academic performance. The issue, guest edited by Clay Cook, Rob Volpe, and Andrew Livanis, features interesting pieces on issues and challenges inherent in behavioral screening in school settings. Two editorials were co-authored by Sandy Chafouleas and colleagues. In one, co-authors Steve Kilgus and Nancy Wallach, review ethical issues associated with school-based behavioral screening, including reference to challenges in human subjects research. The other, co-authored with Amy Briesch and Rob Volpe, proposes an adaptive model of behavior assessment as a necessity to meeting the complex assessment needs presented in behavioral domains.
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