
Educational Talent Search

The Educational Talent Search Program identifies young people with potential for post secondary education, encourages them to continue and graduate from secondary schools and to enroll in programs of post-secondary education, and encourages high school dropouts to return to school.

A total of six hundred students, recruited from participating public middle and high schools in New Haven and Windham, Connecticut, are served by the Educational Talent Search project. Students begin participation in the program in the sixth grade and are sustained through successful completion of high school and placement in the appropriate post-secondary institution.

Program services include comprehensive academic and enrichment activities, academic, financial and personal counseling, career exploration and aptitude assessment, assistance with the re-entry process to high school or college, information on post secondary education, information on student financial assistance and assistance in completing college admissions testing, college admissions applications and financial aid applications.

Educational Talent Search Application 2010
Educational Talent Search Application 2010 (Spanish)