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To actively support teaching, research, service and outreach by producing and communicating financial information. In addition, the Office plans and manages the financial resources available to the University as efficiently and effectively as possible in support of the University’s mission.

We accomplish this by producing, maintaining, analyzing, and forecasting accurate, impartial, and comprehensive information about the university's financial past, present, and future; communicating that information in a clear, useful, and timely manner to constituents inside and outside the university, so they may make the best possible planning, financial policy, and resource allocation decisions; insuring that budgetary decisions are equitable, implemented properly and consistently, and achieving their desired ends; providing this service in a professional and personal spirit of respect, honesty, fairness, cooperation, and goodwill.

We strive to maintain a high standard of knowledge, expertise, service, ethics and professional integrity while providing sound counsel in the financial planning and decision making process of the University.


  • Develop annual operating and capital budgets
  • Maintain long-range financial planning models
  • Perform ongoing maintenance of decentralized budgeting through the monitoring of these budgets with emphasis on maintaining good fiscal management with reasonable controls
  • Enforce policy decisions regarding use of funds
  • Provide reports and data to assist management in making sound fiscal decisions
  • Perform budget analyses and consult with budget managers throughout the University
  • Respond to numerous internal and external requests for institutional data
  • Conduct numerous special studies drawing on an array of financial and non-financial information at its disposal
  • Support the University's many academic and administrative operations on financial matters
  • Ensure that all budget activities adhere to state requirements
  • Coordinate and prepare the bi-annual University budget request to the State
  • Provide central communications to the campus about various financial and budgetary information
  • Develop budget forecasts, revisions, reports and analyses to support university-wide resource allocation and decision-making
  • Provide financial management and budget training to the campus
  • Develop various financial policies and procedures and monitor compliance
Updated: 8/24/10