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The Biochemistry Program at the University of Connecticut provides interdisciplinary courses and research opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting investigators. The research interests of our faculty are centered on discovering the chemical activities and structural organization of the biochemical constituents of cells. We utilize a broad spectrum of strategies including genetics, microbiology, cell biology, computation, and biophysics to characterize cellular macromolecules and the interactions and processes in which they participate. This includes exciting research programs in membrane proteins, protein folding, and macromolecular assemblies. Many of us are also members of a multi-departmental structural biology partnership.

The biochemistry program is affiliated with the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) with participating faculty in several departments across the Storrs and Farmington campuses. To learn more about our faculty and students and their education and research programs click on the links at the left.